The web page that I follow it's call: Apuntes Neuromusculares📝🧠💪🦴. I founded it in 2018, year in wich my adventure in the world of the contemporary dance began.
Throught this page, I met Alfonso Castillo, a kinesiologist and dancer of the University of Chile, teacher, mentor and my friend. He, with his best friend, Sebastian Obando created this page in 2016.
At the beginning, they only talked about to anatomy applied to dancers, and then; they decided to do contemporary classes for people without experience with dance (like me at this moment🤪😳). One year after creating the page, Alfonso proposed the project to his group of friends from the university, and that was how two types of classes were generated:
💃 Single Class with Lukas Lizama and Alfonso
🕺🏾 Monthly Classes with Sebastian Obando and Dario Yovanne
I had the opportunity to participate in the classes of each one of them, I learned a lot! 🤩. In special about muscular anatomy, wich helped me to recognize wich areas of my body move, and how it's organized to get on and get off the floor💪.
During the Pandemia, they made workshops on line, bringing together teachers from different countries, since the platform had followers in almost the entire Latin American continent.
Actually, the Plaform continue doing classes of contemporary dance for people without experience. Dario and Lukas no longer work on the platform, because they migrated to work in a Italian dance company. Alfonso, sometimes come to do single classes or masterclass (because he lives in Puerto Montt), Sebastian Obando do classes for a old group of students in a contemporary class in a intermediate to advanced level; and joined at the page Sofía Martínez, Sebastian Hidalgo and me to do classes for people without experience in contemporary dance (although I am Sebastian Hidalgos assistant).
If you are interested know about anatomy, follow in Facebook: Apuntes neuro-musculares para danza y artes escénicas. But if you are interested in move and dance, follow in Instagram: Apuntes neuromusculares, to know when and where are the classes. You will not regret!💖
(Taller danza contemporánea para personas sin experiencia/ mayo 2023)
I love that you can learn many things about dance, how you like to take care of your body and prepare it to dance for many hours
ResponderEliminarI have a friend who also loves to dance. She probably hasn't heard of this site but she hasn't tried contemporary dance either, I'll tell her about it. Thanks for telling us about this beautiful community!